Working groups
NVG-KNOWS has two working groups in which members meet to work together to achieve the society’s goals.
Working group ‘Communication’
The purpose of the working group is twofold. First, the working group wants to expand and strengthen communication and cooperation among members of the NVG-KNOWS. What great work are our members engaged in? What can we do for each other? How can we support each other? With the answers to these questions we are also stronger with regard to the second goal of the working group: increasing the national and international awareness of the NVG-KNOWS. In view of these objectives, the working group is engaged in the following activities, among others:
- Creating and sending the newsletter to NVG-KNOWS members;
- Setting up online seminars on gerontological topics;
- Coordinating the NVG-KNOWS buddy program;
- Organizing joint symposia together with other NVG-KNOWS members;
- Developing and updating PR materials;
- Managing the LinkedIn group 'Gerontology Network Netherlands' and LinkedIn page 'NVG-KNOWS';
- Updating the NVG-KNOWS website.
Are you enthusiastic about the NVG-KNOWS and would you like to join or working group? Please contact Teuni Rooijackers:
Members of the working group:
- Teuni Rooijackers, MSc, chair, Maastricht University
- Dr. Silke Metzelthin, Maastricht University
- Dr. Geeske Peeters, Radboudumc
- Dr. Carolien Smits, Pharos
- Dr. Canan Ziylan, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
Working group ‘Research, Education and Professionalisation’
In 2017, the plan arose to form a national platform for students with an interest in gerontology to connect and exchange knowledge. This developed into the ‘School of Gerontology’ (SoG) initiative. The SoG is a place where researchers and innovators in education meet and discuss topics related to gerontology. Commencing in 2018, two to three meetings per year are held for and with students of the universities and universities of applied sciences in rotating locations across the country. A local version of the SoG is currently ongoing within the degree of Applied Sciences, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven. Students put forward papers or topics for discussion and advise each other on relevant gerontological theories. In addition to the Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the SoG includes students of the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and the Department of Sociology at the VU University Amsterdam. Initiatives are underway to expand the SoG to include students from Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and the Vitality and Ageing degree at Leiden University. The door is open to other educational institutions to participate. For more information, please contact Eric Schoenmakers,
Members of the working group:
- Dr. Bianca Suanet, VU Amsterdam
- Dr. Geraldine Visser, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
- Dr. Eric Schoenmakers, Fontys University of Applied Sciences