Netherlands Society for Gerontology: Knowledge Network Ageing and Society

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Nationally, the NVG-KNOWS collaborates with several professional organisations. Some of these organisations are represented within the NVG-KNOWS management committee. With the Netherlands Society for Clinical Geriatrics, the department of Geriatrics and Gerontology of the Nursing and Carers Netherlands, and the Netherlands Society for Physiotherapy in Geriatrics, the NVG-KNOWS organises the annual conference “Geriatriedagen”. NVG-KNOWS is connected with societies from other countries through the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG).

Promoting research and education 

To promote research and education in the broad area of gerontology, NVG-KNOWS employs a range of activities. NVG-KNOWS has established multiple endowed chairs. At the annual National Gerontology Conference, the society awards prices to promote and value scientific contributions in gerontology and to contribute to the quality of scientific research and education in the area of gerontology. These include the Professor Schreuder price for best PhD thesis, the Professor Joep Munnichs price for best Master thesis, and the Janneke Witsenburg price for best poster.

Exchanging knowledge and ideas

NVG-KNOWS organises national meetings to encourage sharing of scientific advancements and insights in gerontology. The society's best-known meeting is the annual National Gerontology Conference, where participants receive an overview of current developments in gerontology in The Netherlands. In addition, the society organises seminars with presentations on current topics by researchers and professionals.